Pressing Plants

Frank Zappa/The Mothers Of Invention & singles with Frank Zappa's contribution
Verve Records · Bizarre/Reprise Records/Straight/United Artists Records · Discreet/Warner Bros. Records · Zappa Records · Barking Pumpkin Records
Cucamonga/Pal Studio · 66/67 Recordings · Bizarre/Straight · 70's Productions

· US pressing plants

US pressing plants

Columbia Records, Santa Maria, California.
1968: Wild Man Fischer - The Circle/Merry-Go-Round (mono, promo)
1968: Wild Man Fischer - The Circle/Merry-Go-Round (stereo, promo)

Columbia Records, Terre Haute, Indiana.
1968: Wild Man Fischer - The Circle/Merry-Go-Round


From William Brown:

Santa Maria pressings were usually vinyl, on top of there being hand-etched "S's" of varying thickness within the dead wax (I have some copies pressed by plant which either put on "SSSSSS" or "SI," "SII," etc.); plus labels (of 3.625" diameter) pressed onto the records. (Certainly, by the time Zappa first set up business with Bizarre/Reprise, all Santa Maria-pressed 45's were vinyl, with the characteristics I just mentioned.) The other two plants - Pitman and Terre Haute - pressed in styrene, with the labels (of 3.5" diameter) glued on.